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Изменение статуса RFC в проекте


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Изменение статуса RFC в проекте
как отследить, почему не отрабатывают правила UI, а DB все же - отрабатывают?
Включить debug
только так? Других методов в нету?
Правил многовато, и с киррилицей нюанс, в лог они пишутся в кодировке, типа: " Rule "?????? ??????= ????????? ? ??????" was valid, execute the actions"
alexx2xx ivanov пишет:
I found the rules are responsible for the change of status, as follows:
When a value Has changed
WHERE NOT (Assignment; To workgroup (*) is empty)
Const. status = Sent to the group (Upd ate Data) Status se t to Referrals to the group
rules Application - When value has changed
That is, the rule should be triggered after I change the field Assignment; To workgroup (group assignment) to a value other than null .
But why, then this rule applies even if I do not change this field? Ie trying to change the status to any other, for you still remains as "Sent to the group."
If the rule is disabled - all saved status.


The (*) on the rules means that this rule will be evaluated for the specific field whenever anything is changed in the change and not only the specific field.
So, if you want to execute the rule ONLY when Assignment; To workgroup is changed to something that is not empty, then you must check "Evaluate this rule when the field have changed" (Right now I'm not having OVSD in front of me so the label could be different), but you can find this checkbox directly below the field selector. If you do this you will notice that the (*) will no longer be displayed and your rule should look like this:

When a value Has changed
WHERE NOT (Assignment; To workgroup is empty)
Const. status = Sent to the group (Upd ate Data) Status se t to Referrals to the group
rules Application - When value has changed

I use google translate to see your posts so if I didn't understand what you 've tried to accomplish, please accept my apologies.
Изменено: George Menegakis - 18.02.2012 01:31:16
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